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The content world is a more level playing field than marketers may realise.

When Informa Tech asked B2B technology buying decision makers to choose the three traits that make content most trustworthy, their top answer at 61% was content that “comes from a trusted publisher.”

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But what, exactly, constitutes a “trusted publisher” today?

Many may think of an esteemed industry publication like the Content Marketing Institute’s website or a global news destination like The New York Times. However, these same B2B decision makers gave additional answers that indicate a brand demonstrating significant knowledge and a thoughtful approach to publishing can build that same type of trust over time. And your brand likely has dozens of internal experts ready to speak authoritatively on niche topics. That’s why – with the right approach – marketers can match the high-impact content of leading industry publications to set their brands apart.

How brands can become trusted publishers

Three additional insights from the survey show how brands that achieve content excellence have a path to being seen on the same level – or can at least achieve a similar utility – as industry publications:

  • B2B technology buying decision makers are willing to listen to anyone who can solve their granular problems. Sixty percent of survey respondents selected “a high level of detail” when asked to choose up to three qualities that make content trustworthy.
  • Meanwhile, 46% of respondents to the same question selected content “shared by others I trust,” making the opinions of others the third-most significant factor in content trust.
  • Finally, only 20% of B2B technology buying decision makers selected “content that comes from an independent source” as being a top-three quality for trustworthiness, indicating B2B tech buyers aren’t necessarily looking for neutral reporting, but rather are looking to industry-specific expertise. This is a significant advantage for B2B brands, even if they’ll always be viewed as having additional motives (facilitating the buyer journey to sell their products or services) for sharing information.

Why branded content can compete with independent B2B media

Branded content had a significant presence when we asked B2B technology buying decision makers which channels they engage with content on most frequently. Several traditionally marketing-focused channels finished within 10% of more independent channels:

  • B2B news publications – 55%
  • Social media – 52%
  • Industry newsletters – 47%
  • Industry events (in person) – 45%
  • Industry events (virtual) – 45%
  • Brand partners’ websites – 45%

These results, in part, reflect how difficult it is to find helpful information in a B2B niche. Not every industry will have an authoritative and independent B2B publishing landscape. And those that do often rely on partnerships and information provided by leading brands in the space, including brand-produced research reports and brand-provided thought leaders.

This also leaves room for word-of-mouth experiences like virtual and in-person industry events – along with follow-up visits to brand partners’ websites – to comprise a significant part of a B2B technology buyers’ education along their buying journey.

How to build your B2B content reputation

You’ve seen the numbers and read about the possibilities, but how do you make sure your content can compete? Here are three tips to elevate your branded content to compete with independent publishers in your niche.

Create 201-level content to engage informed buyers

Rather than focusing on generic content – which is faster to produce, but more likely to be featured on your competitors’ sites and already known by your buyers – dedicate a portion of your content mix to digging deeper into sub-niches that your core buyers would appreciate. Don’t know where to start? Ask your best clients what topics they need help with that no one seems to be talking about.

Use your brand’s internal resources in your content

Your biggest resource when it comes to content is your expert teammates. Feature them in content as the subject matter experts that they are. Your niche audience will appreciate the depth of what they share.

Stay relevant

Our survey of B2B technology buying decision makers found that staying up to date on industry trends was the overwhelming No. 1 reason they engage with B2B content. While your brand can’t replicate the speed of an independent newsroom every day, you can take advantage of writing about the trends that are highly relevant to your brand each week and syndicate those

thoughts via your blog, social media channels and a weekly newsletter. This level of responsiveness will boost the chances clients will begin to see you as a go-to source when things begin to change in your industry.

The 2023 Informa Tech Trust In Marketing Index explores what B2B technology buying decision makers really think about topics like content excellence, personalization, targeting and timing. Download it today to learn how your marketing team can gain an advantage with this key audience.